Kickstarter Launch!

October 4, 2020 Dawn Ravenwind


The Kickstarter page for the Illustrated Book of Runes went live at October 1st 11:11am. In the first 24 hours, the book was 30% funded, which is an amazing start. I’m very grateful to everyone who has shared and supported so far! Please click the image above to find the Kickstarter page.

This blog post might be a few days behind, but I get to update you now that funding is at 50%. I am expecting that the first tier will be funded at the very least, allowing me to print a limited amount of 250 copies. Early Bird copies have almost already sold out! With luck, we can push that further and hopefully do a full run of 1000 books that I can distribute at a lower cost.

The book itself is nearing the endpoint. I now have only four paintings and write-ups left to go, plus a bit more writing at the end about how to read runes. This should take me about the same amount of time as the Kickstarter has left to run so when I know that it is funded I will send to my first round of content editors right away. I should receive funds and be able to send the book to my publisher for layout and final editting after that, once my backers have completed their surveys.

But funding still has far to go! Please, share and contribute as you are able if you want to see this book become a reality! And thank you so much for those who have helped already, your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!