Gebo means the gift or generosity. Giving and receiving. This is a harmonious rune representing a balanced exchange of energy.
Gebo is a watery rune, full of juicy energy and emotion. It is the rune of the Lovers, showing the moment that two have become one. Their life force is bonded, as they have given all of themselves unto the other in an act of trust and reciprocity.
In Kenaz, a spark was created. Our hero picked up the torch, became the light, a glowing and expressive version of themselves. And in Gebo, that energy and drive is now shared. Not only can we offer our energy to another, but the beauty that is us has attracted another who wants to give and show us their light also. And so two become one, and the light created together is greater than the torches held alone.
Not only can we offer our energy to another, but the beauty that is us has attracted another who wants to give and show us their light also
The image of Gebo is straightforward, that of two humans connected at the hips. This rune is useful for sex magick and attracting a lover, but also has further aspects.
Gebo has symmetry above and below, as well as from side to side. This acknowledges the balance of right vs left (masculine and feminine) and above and below (divine and mundane) energetic exchanges. This is also a representation of mind/spirit and body linked together.
When we give to another, be it to a mortal or a god, we receive a blessing in return, and the whole creates a picture that is greater than the sum of its parts.
We must acknowledge the divine gifts we receive and do our part to maintain the balance. We must be honest and caring lovers to be fair to our partner, we should give gifts to those who have helped us in the past, and so must we be be grateful to the gods when they have bestowed fortune upon us. Give thanks for that which you have received, and offerings in whatever way you have to give them.
I find this rune is often drawn on days when I spend time with my son. Our family and our children are very important gifts that should never be forgotten. And the more we find time and love for them, the more that energy is reciprocated back, sometimes in ways you might not even imagine.
Gebo is the first of the runes with no merkstave, or inverted position as when this rune is upside down it is the same as right side up. It represents the most balanced runes, the ones in which there is no repressed or negative side. Giving should always be balanced and reciprocal, and there is no negative way in which to gift.

Gebo – The Gift – Giving and Reciprocity